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Dependent Care FSA

Eligible Expenses

Adult daycare center

After school care/program

Au Pair

Babysitting (Must be work-related and by someone who is NOT your tax dependent)

Before school care/program

Child/Day care

Day camp (over-night camps are not eligible)

Day nursing care

Elder care

Extended care

Late fees for pick up


Nursery school tuition

Preschool tuition

Senior daycare

Sick child care

Specialized daycare


  • Childcare expenses must be for children under age 13 years

  • Non-childcare expenses must be for a tax dependent, such as a spouse or elderly parent, who is physically or mentally unable to care for her or himself and lives with you more than half the year

  • Expenses must be for the purposes of allowing you to work or attend school full-time

For official IRS guidelines and restrictions on eligible expenses please visit

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